Fender Rhodes dot com, the Rhodes Super Site
Joe Zawinul
Classic Effects
Audio Archives
Memorial to Harold

History - A Tribute to Harold

Harold Rhodes spent an entire lifetime developing, refining and perfecting his pianos, detailed here in an article by the Super Site's Frederik Adlers.


The story of the Fender Rhodes Electric Piano and its inventor, originally published in the September 1996 issue of the Swedish music magazine MM.


A chronological overview of the Rhodes Piano's evolution (from the above article).

Memorial to Harold

A compilation of messages sent to the Super Site in reaction to the death of Harold Rhodes in December 2000.


Famous Rhodes players and former associates of the man himself share their memories of Harold Rhodes and thoughts on his pianos.

Josef E. Zawinul: Electric Piano Pioneer

One of the most famous Rhodes players ever, Joe brought more than just the Rhodes to the sound of Jazz Fusion.


Chuck Monte and his company took the Rhodes Piano to an entirely new level in terms of both sound and performance.

Classic Effects

Outboard effects helped to shape and enhance the piano's sound on classic Rhodes recordings.

Audio Archives

Audible pieces of Rhodes history presented in downloadable format for your enjoyment.