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The Bill Evans Album (1971)
Bill Evans

Available at Amazon.com >>

User Rating: 5 / 5 [ Add Your Rating ]

Name:  Nils
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  Great album by a even greater pianist.
Like the From Left To Right album Evans is playing piano and Rhodes on this one as well, but in my opinion this is the better of the two.Nice to compare is the difference between Rhodes and the piano playing on ''Re:Person I Knew''.On the alternate take Bill played this song on the piano while on the 'normal' take he prefers the Rhodes for the most part. Great vintage Rhodes sound !!

Name:  Justen Stoodley
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  In my opinion the best 'pure jazz' rhodes album ever recorded. I especially love the way he uses both piano and rhodes together in tracks (soloing on one while comping on the other etc) rather than doing what most others do, playing one or the other exclusively on each track. Contains some of Bills best compositions (Waltz for Debbie, Funkallero) and features Eddie Gomez on Bass. Do not be put off by probably the worst cover art ever conceived, you really do need to buy the album!

Name:  John Dube
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  Waltz For Debby is one the best songs....ever.