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Templates (1999)

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User Rating: 4 / 5 [ Add Your Rating ]

Name:  Brother Wetlands <olerudd@hotmail.com>
Rating:  4 / 5
Comments:  "Music to Begin With" and "Options in the Fire" show the complete production mastery that Atom Heart and Burnt Friedman have from their years of studio experience. (you might know Atom's Rhodes-tickling skills from his Senor Coconut alter-ego). The rest of the album fails to live up to the very high standard set by these two, but worth a look if you want to find a "new" bit of jazz to sample.
Live instruments and percussion (recorded with typical German efficiency!) are thrown together with programmed beats and squelches and chopped wafer-thin, until you have no idea what's "live" and what's come out of a sound module.
"Options.." in particular, despite having no Rhodes in it, is a breath-taking electro-jazz opus compressed into a frantic 3 minutes of eclectic beauty. Chekkitout!